***NOW HIRING DRIVERS - Great Benefits... Great Pay... Apply Today!!!

Serving Pittsylvania County VA, Caswell County NC & Surrounding Areas

Hodnett Septic Tank Cleaning Logo
Professional and Courteous Service. 
We go the extra mile!
Request Service Now Hiring - Join Our Team
(434) 885-1302
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Licensed in VA & NC

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***NOW HIRING DRIVERS - Great Benefits... Great Pay... Apply Today!!!

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***We are Growing - NOW HIRING DRIVERS!

Now Accepting CDL applicants with experience operating backhoe, shovel digging & providing exceptional customer service. 

We place a high value on providing exceptional customer service and having a positive impact on the communities we serve.

Hodnett offers generous time off for holidays & excellent pay based on experience - We also offer employee health insurance and a retirement savings plan.

NOTE: Proof of eligibility will be required within three working days of employment.

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